I can’t cum with sex. I have to masturbate

The only way I lose it is masturbating looking at my wife. Or pretending like I did lose it and then masturbating later. I also have an issue losing my erection during intercourse. It makes me feel like I am a total loser and has made it not very fun and she has complained.

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I have the same issues, I RARELY can finish during sex, and I loose my erection pretty easily, not every-time but it’s becoming more frequent.

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Yes me too. I haven’t cum during intercourse in a while now. The first year in my relationship was great. But now I’m In our 3rd year, sex Has gotten challenging.

I sometimes have that issue. I believe it’s 100% mental for me. I go back and revisit some of the lessons from this app that help me “be in the moment” and they do help. Also sometimes I’ll treat myself to a euphoria marijuana gummy (they are legal here) and they take sex to a whole other level. When I take one it frees my mind up I think. I never have trouble finishing or of any kind and it feels spectacular.