How was trying stop-start for the first time?

I feel like I can actually do this!

Could’ve been better, took ages to get the first near cum then the rest was a bit easier

At first when I stopped, Id loose Erection, however after a while Id remain hard, but then all it took were very few strokes to get me from 5 almost back to POR.

I enjoyed it and chose not to cum at the end. remained hard for the full 10 but noticed it fluctuate in firmness throughout. it was ver pleasurable.

I didn’t think I would get through this because I was scared of losing my erection. Turns out, I was able to maintain my erection by sensating other areas of my body and holding off ejaculating several times.

Worked great

I’ve used it before and It worked great again. Helps me focus on the mental aspects of the journey.

It felt good

Felt great, and will definitely be using lube again. Hope to last longer next time.

Felt great, tried variating hands and will def try lube next time

I noticed my heart racing and realized that I was not aroused much without any stimulation

I have done this many times before. It took almost until 9 min to get close. Then I stopped and started many times. It feels very good to be holding an erecting for a few min

I did a great job not ejaculating. I’m tryna focus just on the pleasure and not releasing. Box breath really helps, and stopping when it becomes too much was very helpful too. My control has gotten a lot more, as has my erection ability. Lasted the ehole 10 and beyond. Trying not to release at all for the next 30 days. And grow higher levels of being able to enjoy the pleasure all the while.

It’s working good

Very cool. Ran out of imagination at 8:30. Lost erection. Can’t wait to try this with wife.


Seems like a good way to train awareness! Hate busting early, so that’s awesome.

I found like wax and wane it’s really good for confidence. The degree to which I can keep going without having to stop really varies, or so I thought, but I think using some of the mindful techniques from this course can help me move a long way back down the arousal scale, such as using the five senses to get out of my head, and also I’ve found reverse levels reallly work! I guess I have more control than I think.

Enjoyable and a challenge

It worked well for me during masturbation. I have tried this during sex with my partner but she doesn’t like it when I just pull out. I might try to just stop thrusting for 30 seconds or so and see if that works.