How does a Kegel feel for you?

Holding in a pee or a fart

Like the feeling going down a rollercoaster

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I definitely feel these muscles contracting when I climax, so it makes sense to work them out. Never thought of it before. My biggest problem is that i can’t climax during sex. So hoping this will help me have more control and let me release easier.

We learned about reverse kegels in the previous lesson. It’s the reverse of a reverse kegel

Feels like stopping or holding in a pee, and like drawing my balls up higher

Raising my ball sack

Holding pee

Felt like flexing my junk

Lifting my sac

Making my balls flex. Nice guns, my dudes.

Along with the contraction between the balls and butt, I could feel a slight abdominal flex and pelvic tilt that reversed as I relaxed

Holding in a fart or pee stop for sure

Stopping the flow of pee

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Stop peeing

Closing my butt

Stopping peeing mid stream

Squeezing in that fleshy fun bridge between your balls and butthole

Holding in pee

Holding in a pee

Simply holding in pee