How does a Kegel feel for you?

It’s the feeling of holding in your pee…piece of piss really

It feels like holding in a fart my guy

I feel like I can do the kegel exercise a lot easier than a reverse kegel. If I hold a kegel too long though, it’s almost like my butthole has a cramp.

I can feel it internally, but I couldn’t really feel it with my hand even though I have a strong mind-muscle connection there. Which surprised me

Tightening muscles

Cutting a turd in half with ur anus

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Scrunching up all the muscles around my crotch

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When your dick is hard and you make it bounce/raise up without using your hands? That’s a kegel.


I’m finding this exercise a lot easier to do than the reverse kegel


I’m no stranger to kegels. I do them when I’m getting rammed


Easier than reverse Kegel

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Much easier than a reverse kegel


Some dude in here said it’s the same as flexing your dick when you’re hard and he couldn’t have been more true

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It feels like there is a lot of range to this kegel thing. Flexing your dick, holding in pee, or holding in a fart feels like its working different sections.

i work them more and more everyday when just sitting and after a month its really making a big change

Like trying to stop peeing

It felt like a contraction of the muscles around my balls

A contraction

I squeeze real tight!:anger::persevere: and I let loose​:o::weary:

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I have done them a lot before this app but can’t figure out how to keep consistent.