How does a Kegel feel for you?

Zipping up my bumhole with my balls


can feel the muscle tensing and lifting

Tightening of the β€œgooch”


Felt like trying to hold in a pee

Stopping a pee

Holding pee or fart

A scrunching

Stopping a pee stream midway

Done this before without realizing it but fairly straight forward, doing it right now :joy:


Like my balls slightly moving up towards my shaft

Feels like the beginning of new power.

Been doing these regularly for a few years, reverse as well. Has done absolutely nothing for erection quality.

Pulling my anus and balls in and up.

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Thinking of it as stopping a pee really helped.

The good old pee stopping.

It makes my penis tickle when I do it. It’s a nice feeling ahaha

Tightening your gooch