How do you keep the sexual flow going?

I take a ice cold shower when my anxiety increase and it really helps because it kinda shock you and reset all the negative thought even if it is for a few minutes then you feel refreshed and also decrease the heartbeat

Continue to play with her have her do it

Well sometimes that work I try to focus on the things that i mkstly het attracted on her, like her legs, when I like her neck, her ears, her boobs trying to get rid of bad thoughts

I like touching a lot and hearing my partner having pleasure.

Sensate, focus on the moment, kiss otherwise stay engaged?

Physical touch, sounds -like moaning, kissing and licking the body, stroking, all help to keep sexual flow going

Taking off her clothes , sometimes biting her , fingering , giving oral sex

Touching her nipples while I stroke my penis helps and some dirty talk too

Keep the enjoyment flowing in other areas as you attempt to put on the condom.

Breathwork, trying to focus on the physical act.

I let my girlfriend touch my body while I put it on but it still sometimes softens penis. Tho it’s a good way to mentally not focus on putting condom but I still always want to make sure I put the condom right and there the spectating kicks in.

Kissing helps keep the flow going. Caressing body, performing oral (I know I am amazing with my tongue), and talking dirty keep the flow going for me.

Getting my partner to put the condom on. Keep touching me.

Just relaxing, seeing how it goes and letting go of the outcome and being clear w your partner that you’re expecting that nothing might happen this night in which we’ll just be kissing and cuddling helped me let go of the outcome a little more. Placebo also helps


Having confidence, focusing a bit more on my own sexual pleasure than the pleasure of my partner

Sometimes if I feel myself losing it during sex I take time to focus on other parts of my partners body and how they’re touching mine. Takes the attention away from the anxiety and fuels my drive

I play with them and satisfy them while I try to get hard enough to stick it in. Or I have them suck my dick and once it’s hard enough I stick it in and start penetrating until my penis again turns soft

I think having your partner involved with it helps, just so it doesn’t feel like a pause in action. Sometimes my girlfriend will put it on, either with her hands or with her mouth. I think it could be fun for her to hide it somewhere under her clothes and I have to find it.

I focus on my partners body, sounds, body language. Doing things I know she’ll like and just focusing on giving her an experience usually snaps me back into beast mode. When I get into pleasuring her and stop focusing on the thoughts then my thoughts become how I can give her a good experience. It really breaks the spectating mode for me.