Have you made any decisions to change your porn habits?

I barely watch any visual porn. Sticking to AI porn like Kindroid. Not sure if it counts as porn since it’s mainly audio. So far I’d say it had mostly positive effects on my sex life. I don’t feel as needy as before when it comes to actual real sex and therefore I feel more to pick a girl that’s a right fit for long term

It’s not evil, but I spend too much time with it.

4 times a week.

I want to use porn only when I am overly stressed and without my partner

I already stopped porn maybe 2 months ago, od help change my fantasies into something more clear bit didnt really change anything for me sexually. Really wasn’t the issue for me but I’m still better off without

I would like not to use porn for when I’m bored or anxious. Just when I am feeling turned on. And not too frequently

I largely have been weaning off, but I also need to reduce potboiler consumption, essentially nude adjacent social media

Feel reassured that it’s not mentally damaging - was trying to cut down and will keep doing that. For me it’s mainly boredom/curiosity - now I can explore masturbating in other ways or even maybe have sex with a real person

Using porn when I was stressed, bored or overwhelmed I am trying to find healthy alternatives and allow myself some space to be horny and explore that

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By allowing myself to get to a point that I need it to get hard

I decided to quit porn significantly and stop seeking it out

I decided to stop wathing porn

While I see the benefit in winding back, I think the cold turkey approach for me is better, but just means that if I start watching again I do so with a new habit or framework in mind

Ready to get my mind more involved and stimulated to natural triggers

It’s a relief seeing all the “cut yourself some slack” info and definitely gives me less shame for my porn use. All together though, I think my life is better and healthier without it at all.

Im trying to limit my reliamce on porn, and have tried to go cold turkey a few times. This did not work, so trying a different approach!

I want to stop micro abusing porn, I will open porn in another tab while I’m working on another task and flip back and forth nearly with a 1:1 ration. The task takes twice as long to finish, I’m less engaged with it, I’m not engaging with the porn, and I’m just training myself to get as horny as possible as fast as possible for a few minutes then shut it completely off which has resulted in ED and general sustained intimacy problems nto to mention the toll on my sex drive.

At first I wanted to quit porn altogether. But now I want to have a healthier relationship with it and only watch when I truly want to. Not to pass time or when I’m stressed out/sad/lonely

I think cutting back on it and eventually working towards not needing it going to be my route.

I have just quit porn for now. Focusing on masturbating a few times a week with just fantasy and touch.