Share your experience with guys who get it.
Just to be more aware of when and why I go to porn … this alone is helpful
These porn activities have been very helpful to confirm that it’s ok to watch as long as I have a healthy balance. I’m also curious to analyze and write down my feelings when I want to watch porn as I’ve never even considered that before. I’m pretty sure most of my porn use comes from either frustration or dissatisfaction with lack of sex with my wife.
I feel like I now can enjoy porn because I only use it in a healthy way. I have other things I use, such as meditation to relieve stress, and it doesn’t interfere with my life to watch porn occasionally.
I’m not as ashamed of it
This has reduced so much stigma around porn for me and it may be time for me to check in on my kinks because watching porn mindlessly made me turn a blind eye to something I may be interested in.
I quit porn🤩
I’d rebalanced my porn consumption (reduced and some content adjustment) within the year prior to using Mojo but this has been great for reaffirming what a healthy relationship with erotic material looks like for me.
I can do without, I quit watching porn.
I am more open to occasionally using it. I was trying to give it up because I was fearful. It was a horrible performance to get arranged with my partner.
I transitioned to audio porn for a while but have since been relying on fantasy, not feeling I need it as much
I can cut down on my porn watching and do something else more productive that makes me feel better.
I’ve mow made a conscience effort to not watch porn just for the sake of it, or when I’m bored. Just when I actually feel in the mood for it
The audio porn on Mojo also really helps using something else other than the norm to get me going, helps me explore new things
Change my perspective for sure. Feel free and have good context. I’ll keep doing the 10 day check in and will diversify the content I consume and stay present.
I’ve identified why I use porn for the most part. I am going to try & use alternatives vs porn. I won’t completely dismiss it from my life. I will just watch less.
I want to change my perspective on it and change my habits to break the cycle, watching less.
No. I have no issues with porn. I have issues with compulsive self soothing habits which includes masterbation, but isn’t really a problem like I don’t do it that often. But other stuff like alcohol or cigs or Doom scrolling. It’s evident from trying to stop one thing, another bad habit will take the place to continue the habit to self sooth. Getting to the root of it is more helpful probably.
I’ve decided awhile ago to quit porn and from time to time I’ll just look up images instead of videos