What have you learned today?

Did you learn anything about your porn habits that surprised you?

I would like to replace porn, perhaps not completely, with a healthy sex life. That is the goal of MOJO for me.

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i’ve realized more consciously that those times i’d stopped enjoying porn and then going cold turkey were just me slipping into a coping habit. i want to find what triggers me slipping and work around that

I need to really think about why I use porn. I hadn’t given that much thought before

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Not used porn in over 4 months now but was a chronic user for over ten years

Be nice to be able to get stimulated in other ways.

Use fantasy instead of external stimulation

I feel I use porn for a reasons. Which strange enough I can’t quite put a finger on

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I will commit to the porn log. I am curious to see what I am really using porn for.

Explore fantasy practice

I watch porn to see what I fantasize about but can’t act on.

Journaling my desire to watch porn will be an interesting exercise to help me identify any outstanding habit loops.

Reading other people’s comments it sounds like I’m in the same boat. Looking go release stress or cum quick.

And fantasy about stuff I don’t do in real life.

I tend to watch porn when I’m alone at home because I guess is the trigger for the only occasion I have for watching it. And therefore is true that I rarely spend any alone time at home when I don’t think about watching porn

I used to watch porn because it made me feel more connected as a gay man to a community I wasn’t actively engaging in. When I was alone and single I could watch and feel like I was a part of something, then have the sexual release for dopamine.

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Helped me reason the why and when I watch porn

I wanted to watch porn right now then I opened MOJO. I’m feeling irritated , restless, lonely.

Porn can be ok

I fucking love porn, but it’s much more enjoyable when I use is an occasional treat. I’ve been through periods of using it way too much and for the wrong reasons for example stress relief or boredom I always feel worse after

After todays activity I am starting to think I use porn as a stress relief and to chase dopamine. I think the porn log will point out a different aspect of why I watch porn not just to get hard and get off.