Have you made any decisions to change your porn habits?
I feel better informed about healthy uses of porn. I have used it very infrequently in recent years, but have a better sense of it now
Feels.good to have more knowledge about porn as much as this was not a big problem on my side and I don’t think it’s a cause for my current psychological sexual issues
I’m interested in continuing to look at why/when I use porn, and maybe replacing it sometimes when it is a self-soothing behaviour. But I’m also more confident in my use of it, now that I know more about its effects.
Happy to be developing a healthy relationship to porn that bolsters my sexual life. I didn’t know that was a thing
Everything is fine in moderation .
I never went for the “anything” is bad moralising but it’s great so see that reflected somewhere on a scientific basis without mumbo jumbo!!
Watched a lot of porn in the past due to relationship issues and stress relief. I have found healthier ways to get these needs met.
By thinking about my reasons for using porn and reading all of this, I feel better that my use of porn is not problematic. Always something to reflect on, but feeling better right now
I want to start to use more of a variety of porn. I think always having a visual has resulted in a lack of arousal in real life situations, as my body only knows to react when I’m pulling something up on my phone.
I have stopped watching porn a long time ago. The erotic audio stories, and sometimes my imagination, are just fine for me. The info that i leaned will be a back up when i need motivation to keep up.
Cut down on how much time I spend doing it.
I don’t watch porn I used to, but one day, I decided to stop looking at it, i had watched, but after a few minutes, I just didn’t want to watch it anymore
It’s not nearly as much as before . I’m definitely more in control of it
No, I still don’t want to do it. I think it makes me less appreciative of real sex with a woman and gives me high expectations for what a woman will look like. It puts me in observer mode and makes it feel unnatural. I have sexual anxiety issues so it’s not good for me, if I can rely on porn it means I don’t have to go out in the real world and try with a girl, which isn’t good for me
I don’t feel like porn is really an issue in my life. I watch in moderation
Yes. I’m going to take the job and be in some porn.
Better understanding of the good and bad of porn
I don’t I have ever overused porn. If anything, I’m too wary of it.
I feel like it’s possible to use porn in a healthy way but definitely dosnt need to be a part things every time. Moderation
I’ve started relying much less on visual porn lately and using a lot more of my imagination when I masturbate. I’m finding it actually much more pleasurable than I thought! Although I still enjoy watching it from time to time although a lot less frequently