Glad to be seeking help

My wife and i have been married for 8 years, together for 10. Ive never really had issues getting/staying hard. During covid i ended up having an online affair of sorts and she found out and we worked through it. After that our sex life went from infrequent to almost non existent. Mostly on my end. I felt undeserving of her attention, and id feel guilty when shed express sexual interest, especially when id deny her attention previously.

We work opposite shifts, also our drives seem to be active at different times. Im SUPER horny when i wake up, shes horny at night before bed. But i work 2 jobs and am very tired at night or after i get home from work at 2am. And when i wake up ready to go, shes at work.

I always wanted to open my own business and have been building my brand, not just for me but because i wanted to take the work/financial stress off of her and let her quit her job and run the store. She recently confessed that she would hate for me to have my own business because her parents had their own and it consumed their life and they became strangers and always stressed. She also wants to have a family and feels we are running out of time. I agree. I also want a family, i get performance anxiety when im having sex for a purpose. So when i know its prime time for baby makingโ€ฆi just lose all hornyness.

I want to make it abundantly clear that i love my wife, im super attracted to her and we are sexually compatible in our kinks. The last few weeks have just been really rough with me losing erections right before i enter and her crying and feeling like its her fault or that something is wrong with our relationship.

Last night was a good night, we talked. I am seeing a doctor about my T-levels as ive always had a lower end sex drive. And i started taking Hims mints. We also successfully had sex.

Im so sick of being horny alll day, thinking about sex with her and when it comes time to do the deed, my heart starts racing, my breathing gets stuttery and my mouth gets dry.


Hi mate. Many similar things I have faced with my partner around life stressors, long work hours, wanting to provide being tired and timing of when we both wanted it. Wanting it all day then when the time came, nothing. I often was to tired at night as I had to get up early for work. Ended up with some burn out from working to much and not looking after myself which led to ED and anxiety and guilt as they thought I wasnโ€™t attracted to them anymore.

Been using the app and last night was a great night for me and partner. I had my hardest erection for months and it stayed up. Even post ejaculation which has not happened for a long long time.
I have decided to speak to my doctor about my T levels to as I have always had a lower drive.

Keep going with the exercises the positive thinking and communication/contact with your wife. I found even a small period of time in busy schedules/lives can make a big difference in that connection you can have with your partner. This app and the exercises definitely work. Be kind to yourself as much as you are kind to your wife. Good luck with it all mate.


Thanks for the response! Yep i just completed day 1โ€™s reading and look forward to more info tomorrow

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