I was brought up in a religious household where sex was never spoken about and there was a huge taboo around it. Even thinking about sex used to make me feel guilty and scared.
As a healthy, horny teenager, I struggled a lot with my feelings, beating myself up and thinking I was an evil person for having sexual urges.
This had a huge impact on my self esteem and confidence. It also made interactions with girls very difficult as I felt guilty and scared just talking to them, even if there was nothing sexual about it. This lead me into a very toxic relationship with porn.
After leaving home I thought these problems would disappear. However I quickly realised these issues were deeper routed and I developed ed and pe (a terrible combo lol) at 20 making me feel ever more guilty and ashamed of myself.
After realising where my lack of self confidence was coming from and spending the last two years working on myself mentally, I can safely say that I am on the route to the sexual liberation I’ve always desired.
I now get strong erections and am working up to having the confidence in the bedroom I’ve always wanted and know I can attain. Thanks a lot mojo
If anyone out there is believing they will never get it up again, just know I was in your exact position ( not even being able to get an errection with porn, masturbation and even viagra) to now being 23, waking up with morning glory’s and having the libido I had when I was 15 again.
You can do it too! It just takes time and patience!