Fright//Fear Factor

So me and my partner are exploring ‘group’ sex. We only play together but invite others in. I always struggle to get hard as I over think the situation and worry.

The times I’ve managed to get hard, I’ve really enjoyed myself so I know this is definitely something I enjoy doing but I can’t consistently get excited and sometimes it falls to the side.

Maybe due to this exploration, I just need to give it time but wonder if anyone else has experience of this and ways to overcome the fear.


Sounds like you’re spending too much time in your own head. I do the same thing. Focusing on the exercises that work on being present in the moment have helped me some. I’m still not where I want to be, but the process does work I think.


I have the same issue in the lifestyle where I have no problem with my wife but with others it’s hit and miss at best. I spend too much time giving pleasure and not enough on myself. This course has taught me to appreciate my body’s sexual requirements so I can be better with others. I think it will work with more practice.

This is interesting to read as someone who is not in the lifestyle because I assumed that everyone who is is sexually liberated and free of performance anxiety. It’s somehow reassuring to know that even people who have open relationships can face similar issues. Regardless, I hope you get to feeling more bodied more often!

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