Fine with Sex Workers and porn but bad with girl

Why am I struggling to get an erection with a girl I’m seeing, but going with a prostitute or masturbating I get good and decent erections, I don’t think my problem is physical at this point, I thought it was the smoking but at this point I don’t believe so

Sounds like you are caring to much about the interaction, with porn or a sex worker. You don’t give a Fk, as there is no emotional investment.


Same here. Not visiting sexual workers, but I know I can get an erection, but with my wife I struggle. Think too much not to fail her and if she will be happy and fine.


Sounds like you’re worried about how you will perform for the woman you care about. You’re so concerned about her pleasure that you mentally self-sabotage by overthinking your duty to perform. I’m in the same boat.

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