Fighting porn induced ed in a new relationship

I’ve only recently started completely abstaining from porn, my longest streak was 3 weeks and I relapsed which I massively regret now.

The stories I hear of it takes 6-8 months to go back to normal arousal after abstaining from porn terrify me, I’ve been with a lovely new girl for a month and the thought of this ruining it makes me panic.

I can get hard while clothed, touching and making out but as soon as the clothes come off my dick goes to sleep so I don’t know whether it still counts as ed or if it’s just performance anxiety.


I’ve been off it approx. two months and have noticed a real difference in the last 2 weeks. I’m 37 and have had easily gotten good full on erections. I still think about porn, what I’ve noticed is that the longer I stay off it, the more often I translate sexy thoughts to real life scenarios with my girlfriend . It’s really got me thinking whether a lot of my erection issues stem from being too focussed on porn.


It doesn’t need to be 6 to 8 months, all depends on level of addiction, good luck completely geting rid of porn, i did just recently start.

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I don’t need porn to get erections which I’m hoping is a good sign and I haven’t even wanted to watch porn for over a week now, I think learning about how it can effect me just scared me off it for good.

Good luck to you too man

I appreciated the early lessons that de-shamed the whole porn thing. Now that I am viewing as an entertainment option rather than as…something else, I guess, it’s less interesting to me. I think when things are “naughty” they seem…scarce, maybe, which creates an aura of value. When it’s just another alternative, it’s less enticing, imo. YMMV.

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