When me and this girl go out it is a very great time and we’ve had sex a couple times but both times I wasn’t able to stay fully hard. So now when she mentions the idea of sex I become fearful or even scared of it. I want to repress this feeling because I know it will only make things worse. I’ve talked to her about this and she tells me everything is okay and that she doesn’t mind but a part of me doesn’t believe her. What should I do?
Honestly, I would think about the pleasure more than sex itself for example if you’re getting ready to have sex focus on her body or something that really turned you on turn all your attention to that whatever you do try not to think about your penis once you do it’s over I’ve done that a few times sucks
Yep… been there, it’s frustrating, but this app has worked.
Wax and wane worked for me, in that it taught me…. Yep…. If I lose my erection… don’t panic……it can and will come back.
This only works if you can get out of “fight/flight” back to “feed/breed”, but believing it’ll come back, allows you to relax… and back it comes…
It’s turning the downward spiral into and upward spiral.
And…. To get over the fear of failure / avoiding sex…… I used the “simmering” technique… to keep on point and face the fear…
It’s not easy, but it worked eventually… once you get confidence back… its game on…
Good luck man….