Nervous to try again

I’m only 19 and whenever i’ve tried to have sex or get intimate i get nervous, I’d consider myself to be a pretty confident person but i struggle to get full erections or keep them for long when i do.
Been using mojo for around a month but i dont know if its working because im too scared to try have sex again because of past experiences. Would appreciate some advice because id love to be able to enjoy sex but dont know when to try.


same here , what should we do

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I’d say continue to play with yourself and just get comfortable and confident with your body. Try to reframe how you’re thinking about approaching sex. Just have fun with it and make it a learning experience, not a performative one


I’m certain that it’s natural and common to feel nervous about sex and the pressure we put sometimes put ourselves under to “perform” is immense. No wonder our bodies get confused and respond to threat.
It took me a long time to find the right partner with whom I could feel the right balance of mutual trust and warmth and openness and connection so that things ceased to be a performance and more a mutual act of pleasure.
A month is a short time to reprogram beliefs and behaviours. Keep on in there, you’ve got this.

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