Yes. Very relaxed and calm.
Relaxed. Got scared when the audio was coming of being sooo relaxed.
Feels good😌
“Your breathing is automatic” - not anymore it isn’t
I still feel really silly. The breathing helps to relax me, but I’ve already learned about and practice that. I’ll keep at the lessons, but I don’t think meditation is for me.
Steady mindset
Yea relaxed
I picked 5 mins both yesterday and today, and the 5 minutes felt wayyy faster today which I think is a good sign
I feel more relaxed and a bit more upbeat. I was annoyed from something else going in to the exercise, so just shifting focus away from that was helpful.
I tried smiling with each inhale. It felt fake and stilted at first but over time I felt real joy and the smile became genuine
Happy thoughts started floating in my mind. Good outcomes of things in my life. The bad, negative, scary thoughts seemed to quiet down and take a backseat.
Smile felt more and more natural
Felt very calm and peaceful by the end of the 15 minutes.
I know I have thoughts running through my head 24/7 it feels like. However this exercise, I came in already quite relaxed, which is rare. I still had the usual cocktail of thoughts going around, however, I was able to rationalise the these, even the negative ones. I felt at peace with these, whereas usually they can cause anxiety.
By simply having a more relaxed mind, I felt more in control of the thoughts I was having.
Same it’s feeling like it going by quickly
I found myself feeling more gratitude for simple things
A great little meditation. Reminds me of some kundalini yoga meditations I’ve done in the past. Very calming and uplifting.
I feel a bit better. I’ve had a stressful week and this helped calm me down
Exhausted from work. Hoping to have some sex tonight. Definitely helped.