Does your mind feel different after a meditation for positivity?

Feels a bit better, a subtle shift.

Nice to shift thoughts on to something smooth and relaxing like breathing

Definitely feel more grounded in gratitude for all that I have in life today

I liked this one. Good one to remember

I have lots to be grateful for but I always dwell on the negatives. It was a good reminder that I am lucky

Dissapointed I only had 5 in to spare today, will definitely revisit this one

Adding some sunlight to the meditation this morning was quite enjoyable.

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This meditation did help as I feel more relaxed coupled with some reverse kegels while breathing

Yes, it does feel a bit more calm and unscattered

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Although skeptical, the fake smile kind of help and release some tension

Enjoyed the meditation my body feels relaxed

Enjoying meditation a lot. Shame it took me so many years to try

I was surprised how easy it was to tap into the joyful and peaceful feelings

It was nice

Feeling a bit more grounded and alert

I imagined all the things that gave me joy

Just felt sleepy. Couldn’t switch off the negative thoughts about ED

Nice and relaxing although the room I was in is.quite cold so that distracted a bit. Mental not get comfy and warm before starting

It helped me feel more relaxed

I felt relaxed and happy. Liked the one a lot