I do really like these meditation practices, having words and feelings to link to the breathing was good too, helped me get in a better headspace
For me, meditation is a total reset after a busy and overwhelming day. I always feel better emotionally and physically and can carry on with the rest of the day more capably.
Just being reminded to be positive was helpful to me.
Calm down the money mind, more grounded
Definitely feel more clear headed and less stressed and overwhelmed with life’s daily challenges
That was great!
That was really good made me feel so much better and alot more positive
It actually does feel different. I think prompting your mind to see the positive shifts us out of our natural tendency to analyze a situation looking for all the sources of danger. It’s not about ignoring the part of our mind the points out danger rather it’s important to find balance between a sober analysis and a positive one.
I feel relaxed
Definitely feeling a little more positive.
I feel calmer and more at peace
Was not noticeable to the end but my brain feels less clogged that when I start. If that makes sense. The time also flew past (and I am sure I did not drop off).
Time always feels at a standstill right at the start, but that restlessness dies down and I do feel a lot more clarity and control
Initially I was aware of pain in my back and tightness in my feet, my partner’s snuffles and shuffles in the background. As the practice went on that all drifted away and I was alone with my mind.
Felt relaxing, a little more calm afterwards
This one was hard. This is no joy in the USA right now. Just terror, chaos, and suffering. So this one is a challenge.
There is always something to be positive about. I am glad to have my home to wake up in and my wife to hang out with!
You’re not alone, friend
Same things done over and over again…seems impactful…and worth using as a routine