Do you ever compare yourself, partners, or the sex you have to porn?

Yes all the time.

  1. What my and my partnerā€™s body should look like
  2. That my partner will only find me desirable if my body looks like that of a pornstar
  3. That I need to be hard all the time and I am inadequate cos I am not hard all the time
  4. That my partner would find sex with me disappointing because I am not as good or as hard as the pornstar
  5. That sex should last for 30-60 mins non stop and I must try multiple positions in each encounter without losing my hard on

Porn has taught me that sex should be wild and crazy

Porn makes me more visually stimulated. I feel like I donā€™t feel the same sensations as the actors do from touch as pornstars. I feel like I am not good enough and have a problem with my penis.

That fucking is a must if itā€™s gonna be proper sex. That I wonā€™t satisfy my partner unless I am super hard all the time. That sex should be hot, last a long time

I always think that Iā€™m inadequate because I donā€™t last as long as they do on porn. Which makes me get in my head when going to have sex that Iā€™m not good enough for my wife.

My fantasy/porn scenario gets me so aroused that I can go on like that for a long time because it feels so good and then the orgasm is super intense. Subconciously i feel bad that I donā€™t get so aroused when I have sex with my GF, who I love dearly.

Yes, I definitely compare the two, thinking this is what it should be like, people feeling so comfortable having sex, everything ā€žseemsā€œ so natural. And that everyone else is normal, the whole world has sex like that but me

I have relied on porn almost daily for years. I think at a subconscious level it tells me that I should be able to stay hard all the time then leaves me disappointed in myself

The biggest comparison is how long I should last in bed. I feel that I should be able to last much longer than I do because of porn

Porn has made me think I must have a constant erection during sex and I worry as soon as I enter my partner that I will go soft which obviously makes it go soft

I could care less for the things porn taught me, but I do find porn to be vulgar and nasty, which is also probably anxiety inducing.

I have found through the porn I have watch I have grown to like more taboo/fetish/kinky and with my sexual partner she is a bit reserved so I canā€™t live out or experience my desires where as with porn I can watch it and enjoy and cum

That you should have stonking erection all the time without and softness.

That you should be able to get your penis hard on command

Yes often I try to act like a porn star during sex and be fast and intense and essentially shagging instead of making love and enjoying the sex

Expectation of landing the erect thing into the other thing, otherwise it wouldnā€™t count.

Anal sex seems to be pain free and pleasurable but when I take it, it feels uncomfortable and when I give it I canā€™t stay hard enough or cum

Porn got me used to feeling more aroused from visuals than touch. It is also much more relaxing to me which is why I keep watching it. I feel my problem is that I get too anxious when it comes to sex with a partner meanwhile masterbating while watching pornography is relaxing and feels good which is why I keep going back to it. When sex with a partner becomes comfortable and as pleasurable I feel I wonā€™t be as reliant on porn for an orgasm

I think porn may have become a reliance for cuming. The more porn i watch to cum the more depraved porn i need to cum

I feel anxious and a disappointment because Iā€™ve always thought a man should be rock solid erect throughout all of sex and then I always focus my attention on my wee toon rather than sex which causes me to go soft