Devastated that ED has returned

To be honest as I write this I’m in tears, devastated at another let down where I just couldn’t get hard for my wife. I think about her in the middle of the day and get a boner, but come game time the nerves overtake, fight or flight kicks in and it’s game over. The last year has been a mix of ED, some good times, then inability to orgasm and now back to ED again. I feel horrible for doing this to her.

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My advice would not be to look at the situation like you have a disorder that has “returned”. Progress is Non-linear and you’re not back at square 1. Even the most sexually confident men experience ED in the bedroom for no obvious reason at all. Try and think of it as one experience rather than letting it speak negatively over any future experiences bechase your belief that the ED is some kind of ailment that has returned from the depths to haunt you will only make you worse, it’s your belief that you won’t get hard that will make you not get hard, because if you get boners through the day then your anatomy is healthy. You’ve got this man don’t give up :slight_smile:

I’d recommend the activities on training your libido, they talk about how sexual desire and arousal are separate entities and that might help, also the meditations are really good. All the best :slight_smile:

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I’ve had periods of exactly the same, latest has been ed followed by pe neither a fun time but there are glimmers we are all human and are all affected by stress in our lives and in the bedroom. I have seen great improvement for myself over the past months since starting this. My advice stick to the programme. Kegels and reverse kegels with mindset training. You can be great slot of the time but remember you are human you can’t be great all of the time so try not to beat yourself up it does nobody any favours. Give yourself a break

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Thanks guys, it feels good just to be able to talk about my feelings to people who have been there and done that. Will keep up the good fight.

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