Could use some encouragement

This past week, I thought I was back!
On Thursday night, my girlfriend and I went two rounds before passing out. Woke up and went again before heading to work. I was like “I’m back baby“ this morning. She woke me up with a blow job and that was incredible.

Then, later in the day we were kissing and went to go again. I was rockhard… Until I suddenly wasn’t. I was feeling so on top of the world and now I’m feeling so discouraged.

I went down on her instead. She told me it’s fine and she understands and she is not disappointed at all. We just snuggled and talked and it ended up being a really good connecting moment, but I can’t help but feel insecure and like she’s going to lose interest .

Any encouragement would be appreciated


You got this. No one is Superman. It’s natural to ebb and flow. Sometimes everything will work exactly as you want, and sometimes it won’t. That is normal. Do not overthink it. You’re not about to slip away your gains.

Your being triggered by that experience is your old pattern. Don’t let one experience send you down the rabbit hole. You’re past that. It’s one experience, and has zero affect on future experiences unless you ruminate on it. You’re all good!