Hey, I have been using this app for a number of months now but still struggling to break through. I have noticed improved morning erections but notice that these become weaker through our the day and can be almost impossible to get one by evening. This is by myself.
Because of this I’m almost constantly worrying about getting erections that when the opportunity for sex comes up in the evening, I already in my head.
Does this happen anyone else?
I think the trick is to stop thinking too much about your erection. I notice the mindfulness helps me to find my calm, but when I’m too goal oriented (getting an erection), I often can’t get hard.
I sometimes touch myself with the goal of proving that I can get an erection. I think this is what you want to avoid.
That’s why I don’t always like the wax and wane exercise. If I’m quite horny it’s no problem, but if it takes a lot of effort to get an erection, I get anxious and sad, and hence exacerbate the problem.
Have you had your testosterone levels checked. In the morning g it is at its highest and gets lower throughout the day. Might be worth it
Pretty sure if you can get morning wood then your issues are all psychological and nothing to do with test or anything wrong physically. That’s a good thing as you can continue to work on the mental side of things. Sounds like you are still worrying and focusing on the negative issues. You need to let it go and enjoy what’s happening in the moment. I know this app is all about learning to not use pills, but I wouldn’t be against using a pill to get hard and give you confidence, then slowly lowering the use or amount till you can do without. Just a suggestion, but I’m no expert.
I have talked to Jordan and hopefully him and the team will give it a go to put it up here, but on my own, I also practiced my own CBT exercises. That and meditation has been amazing to help my mind body connection. I’ve also stopped watching porn which I believe has been a hand