Advice/ Guidance

Several years ago, I met the girl of my dreams, she was absolutely gorgeous and we got on brilliantly.

I was single at the time, and she was in an unhealthy long term relationship which was ending. I had never had any erection issues before this however the first time we slept together, I couldn’t keep an erection. This happened 2/3 times. I felt so guilty about her boyfriend and what I was doing. She was absolutely devastated, upset and felt that I found her unattractive, which made me feel less of a man. I decided to take viagra which worked a charm.

We ended up being in a relationship for almost 5 years, a house and pets together however, our sex life slowly faded away. When we had sex, I would finish quickly, due to the fear that I would lose my erection which would lead to arguments.

The relationship has since ended, as in true sense of Karma she had an affair with someone who honestly makes me feel inferior. I now can’t have sex without using the pill due to fear that I won’t be able to get or maintain an erection. Which will hurt the girls feeling despite being sexually attracted to them. Any advice/ experience how to overcome this is welcome

All I can say is follow the program. One thing that really worked for me was sprint interval training. Start meditating daily. I find right before bed is best for me. I would start box breathing every few hours for a couple weeks. And lastly DO NOT take what your previous partner did to heart too much. In my eyes you dodged a bullet. A good partner would have stuck by you and supported you. People like her are the type that leaves someone that’s terminally I’ll. Stick with the program. Stay healthy. I really recommend running and if your up too it start lifting weights. That will really help your self esteem after that wench through you through the coals. I look forward too reading your success story in a few weeks