Hi! I have diagnosed Attention Deficit Disirder, and I find that when I start losing my erection before sex, the negative thought processes escalate to the point where I can’t regulate them and I start panicking, killing whatever is going on full stop.
My thought processes are pretty fast due to my condition and I have a hard time staying on track at the best of times.
I’ll have periods where I have no ED issues at all, and then when I hit a snag, things will spiral out of control in my head to quite a large degree.
Does anyone else have experiences like this.
I am adhd also. My issues don’t usually start before, thankfully I am typically able to satisfy my wife. My issue typically happens later. I have a really difficult time bringing myself off lately. I go like the energizer bunny, but, often, can’t seem to get there. That’s the trigger that puts Willy to sleep. This, of course, makes my wife feel inadequate. Because she can’t bring me to climax. I try to tell her how good it feels regardless and that I have the same problem with my own hand. There are times when I get determined and end up ejaculating when I’m completely soft.
I don’t have a diagnosis but close family members do. I’ve come across this same ED problem recently in my life and put it down to age. Things are going well and feeling great then bam. Softy mcsofty shows up. May i ask, has this always been a problem or more recent for you.
Always been an issue, sadly
Hello, fairly new here (first week) I’m currently waiting for my diagnosis. A part of me feels like the ADHD I believe I have (immediate family have it so I’m probably nailed on to have it) is a major contributing factor to losing erections. It’s the inner-critic but I feel with ADHD because your brain is going 100mph all day every day that the voices become almost silent, or buried amongst the other racing thoughts/internal monologue. Does this sound a bit familiar to you?
I’ve never been a marathon guy in bed, but now with losing erections it seems to be happening quicker too, as if my body is forcing me to hurry up whilst I have the time with what partial erection I have.
So I’ve started to pay more attention to my partner making sure she cums through oral. Which is great, I love it, but, afterwards when it’s my turn I’m struggling to get any life into it. It’s as if the pressure of making sure she finishes just wipes out my ability to get it up afterwards.
I’m hoping once diagnosed and titrated that the medication helps out in this department. Let me know if your meds help any!
I’m trying to avoid meds, as I have anxieties about the side effects. I’m hoping the coaching on here eventually sinks in!
Which side effects are you referring to?
The coaching will sink it, probably take a lot more practice for folk like us. At the moment mother nature is stopping us from trying anything so I’m focusing on the limited intimacy we have and focussing on how things feel, hopefully I can keep focus on that when it happens next.
I’ve got friends who have been on Ritalin etc and it’s sort of “dulled” them a bit, I’m quite wary of anything that messes with my neurochemistry!
I’ll stick with the coaching, I’m optimistic
That’s a fair enough comment.
My sister is medicated with Lisdexamfetamine and I’ve tried some, can’t begin to describe how quiet it was.
It was similar to being high, without the lethargic-ness of it, like, I got shit done. Everything was super quiet and I managed to have linear thoughts about what I was doing without getting sidetracked. Truly wonderful.
I thought similarly to yourself but then figured that my neurochemistry wasn’t “typical” so I’ll try anything to be more productive.
If I get medicated I’ll report back to you on the effects it has on the ol’ Harrelson
That’d be great, thanks!