Cant get rid off my inner critic

I’ve been having trouble with ED for some time. I’ve been sseing this gorgeous girl for a while and had sex in the past with lots of erection issues due to anxiety and spectatoring myself.

Yesterday we had sex and all the time was my inner critic inside my head dealing with my erections. I premature ejaculated during oral sex and from then on, every time we kissed, she gave me a BJ o tried to have an erection it was my inner critic saying me things like “its happening again. Again you’re losing it, you wont be able to have sex, she’s becoming frustrated” every once I had a burst of an erection I was constantly checking if it was hard enough and it became soft after a few seconds…

Its really frustrating not to be able to control those thoughts, I’ve been doing the exercises but again i find it hard to control…

Keep at it bro……it is a very difficult situation. All you need is a few wins
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