Where did my sec drive go?

I’m a healthy 35 yo man, and somewhere around 6 months ago my sex drive seems to have disappeared. I remember I wanted it all the time, and was ready to go at a moments notice, now I just kinda feel apathetic towards the whole thing. Masturbation has become something I do just out of boredom. I’m also married, and for the last 6 years or so my wife’s sex drive has been nonexistent, so intimacy with a partner was extremely rare. But somewhere around when this problem started for me, my wife seemed to have a sexual “awakening”. Her sex drive is now through the roof as mine has plummeted. I’m having a difficult time getting and maintaining erections now when we’re trying to be intimate, and even when I’m alone by myself. I’m hoping Mojo can help straighten this issue out as I really don’t need this added pressure in my life.


Have you had your testosterone levels tested? 35 would be young to have them be really low, but it’s possible. My T levels were really low at one point and I was tired, apathetic to sex, rarely woke with an erection, etc. T replacement therapy is amazing. I felt like a much younger man when I started on it.

I have had it tested. I was in the low normal range. I do however feel like that could be an issue since primary care doctors idea of “normal” may actually be pretty low