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Length of porn videos is always something i think of in the back of my mind as a sort of target that I NEED to last this long for sex to be good for my partner

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Understand. I too have the issue of much more trouble with a partner that has relationship potential that with a one nighter (usually lower rent type) where I feel no pressure.

I’ve always known I have an unhealthy relationship with porn. But honestly, just knowing more about how/why porn is it isn’t healthy helps me grapple with it. Like it takes away some of the magic, which is super helpful.

Porn, and the constant raft of models on social media that come up on my page definitely affected me, it made me very horny and then I had unrealistic expectations with my partner. Taking a break from it and from purposely viewing other things on twitter/ instagram so that my feed is less sexual has helped massively

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Porn isn’t actually an addition, new to me, since I thought I was actually addicted. Self reflection and definition of goals with regards to porn is the best way to go

Self soothing is real.

I n love waking up in the morning and watching porn. I feel it’s a bad habit. Use to happen daily. I try to focus on my real life tasks and distract myself. I feel like over watching it can make real life sex unrealistic and less sensitive for me. My mindset is that I know what to do with sex already. There’s not much new for me to learn performance wise. So I don’t really need it. Because end up thinking of these things when trying to ejaculste during sex

I think a porn free life would be a better one. But sometimes that high intensity wazz is just fucking great

I feel that my relationship with porn can shift to something healthy. Just a tool for when I want to orgasm. I used to use it to self soothe, but I’m now aware of that behavior and can tackle it

My view of porn is shifting. Growing up in a conservative household it was a super shameful act. Now I’m realizing it can be used in a healthy way.

I consider it an addiction because it leaves you craving for more. It also leads to shame eventually.

I have been watching too much porn and I think it’s effecting my sensitivity in sexual encounters. I struggle to cum without porn and have started relying on more extreme porn to get off. Need to cut back it’s just an easy thing to do but need some tips on how to rebalance

This has made me feel a bit more comfortable with the notion of watching porn as its highlighted the direct expectations for sex I’ve developed from watching it when I was younger

It gives me unrealistic expectations of what is expected of me when having sex. It is important sex IRL is not like what I watch on screen. Hopefully this helps with my confidence.

I think I can enjoy porn in a healthier way. Use to rely on it daily. I also know that I don’t have to feel ashamed if I do watch it

I don’t need to watch porn. I do, but not very much. It may be a factor in my sexual anxiety, and I try to watch it less to aid that.

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My issues are definitely more situational. Solo sessions with porn don’t provoke the same anxiety as sex with a new partner.

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I use porn mainly when I’m bored or stressed and need some relief or take my mind off of things. But I also have situational problems with my erection when I’m with someone.


I feel guilty if I can cum to porn after being unable to ejaculate during sex.


I’ve learned about situational erection problems, interesting.