What do you want to gain from this course?

I still have erection issues when watching porn, however I have less anxiety and can usually still cum.

I used to use it every time and started ‘needing’ a certain amount of images or videos. Mixing it up feels so much better, i do still think though that its a bit of a shortcut but i do like to use it so im not wanking for ages and can go slow/gentler touch to resensitize which is a goal. Eventuallydo that sans porn hopefully. So all about balance for me.

It’s almost like if I turn on porn I can just get hard without having to “work” at it and get horny on my own

I watch porn to try to increase my stamina but find myself frustrated when I can’t keep up with the male actors. This increases my anxiety when it comes to the real thing.

I don’t know when I was using porn daily I had much higher libido and more active sex life. Now I’ve gone 1.5 years no porn and everything is full like I messed up dopamine or something

I find that watching porn makes me quite reliant on visual rather than physical arousal. It also leads me to loose awareness of my own arousal scale and ejaculate very quickly. Whereas if I don’t use porn, I can build up slowly and connect with my own body more. That transfers well over to sex.


I feel I watch porn and masturbate too much; once a day. This might not be the same for everyone but I feel it’s too much for me. Therefore I feel the need to cut down, perhaps initially by masturbating not to porn, but to my own experiences/ imaginations.

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Kicking porn has been a focus of mine for quite a while. I have all but completely kicked masturbating to pornography out of my life. But it is also important to know that things like social media and other arousal and dopamine releasing complexes can impact these. It is important to keep a strong mind and understand why we seek these arousals.

Porn has given me some unrealistic and possibly unhealthy expectations and ideas/fantasies. I’ve avoided it for a bit now and am wondering if it has helped contribute to my inability to stay hard during basic sex.

Im tired of porn

I think abstinence from porn is the only way for me to fully kick that shame that exists. I’m 25. I’ve been a compulsive porn watcher and masturbator for 14-15 years. Hypersexuality is a consistent factor in my life, leading to watching progressively more vile and borderline illegal porn, hooking up with girls who I gaslight myself into thinking I want a relationship when really I’m just there for their bodies. Pornography has been the single greatest struggle of my life. I’ve done drugs and stopped, I’ve traveled the world, I have a career, I’m not bad looking (6/10?), I go to the gym 6 days a week. But underneath all of the success, is still that curious and anxious 11 year old trying to understand how to be a man, be a person.


I don’t really watch that much porn anymore, however I used too. I think porn is ok in moderation…but when I do watch to much I definitely feel myself chasing kinkier stuff.

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I just want to say that this lesson was great. As a 38-yr-old who has struggled with porn (mostly as anxiety relief…and I have a LOT of anxiety), I feared that I might be an addict and even tried to tackle it by reading neuroscience papers about porn. I knew that the APA didn’t register porn as an addiction and still wonder if maybe that’s because sex research is not mainstream (cue TED Talk about repressive society). However, I also have been feeling in my heart that porn by itself is not actually bad (just unethical in some of its most commodified practices). Then boom! MOJO introduces Silva Neves. Had never heard of this guy and I’m excited to YouTube him. And overall this is just one of the best lessons I’ve personally come across on porn. Thank you!

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I first was introduced to porn as a 9 year old with unfiltered internet access and it really fucked me up. Im now 22 trying to stop and not let it ruin me anymore

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Regularly watched porn most of my life. Started to feel lousy about it a few years ago and have waxed and waned with my usage over the years. Once my erection issues started it was pretty much the only way I could get hard and masturbate successfully until it eventually ruined me all together. I don’t think I need to stop altogether as it is fun and sexy to watch but I don’t need it every day or even every week.


Watched porn from a young age, and relied on it too much thinking back in it. To a point it got set in my mind that you have to last minimum 15 minutes of penetration. When it comes down to it, the more I had that in my mind the sooner it took me to finish, which was against what I wanted. Thinking about it that coming to terms with not holding myself the unreal standards of porn will allow me to last longer and reach the average true time it takes

I have been a regular point user for most of my life. Have always had tremendous shame around it for religious reasons as well as my inability to be with a girl to begin with. B7t as well I have been working on my relatability issues and social awkwardness. So as my ability to get laid and as I have more engagement with real women I find that my dr8ve for picture and videos is dropping off quickly

Wow. This one really resonates with me. I feel like I had to stop completely to change my sexual habits but I also think that that can be a bit extreme. I’m curious to see if porn really affects my relationships with women because I do hookup quite a bit

Interesting insight

I use to watch porn when I was single and really have erotic thoughts with little to no shame. Once I got married and my wife and I watched and mimicked some porn stuff it was added pleasure for me and her. But after a while my wife started the idea that sex should be more of a tantric experience and not always about penetration and the fun sex we were having. So I started to feel she resented the idea of porn and I started feeling less erotic about the thought of porn. So now when I masturbate on occasion I will watch porn without her and feel more shame. My wife and I would go on dryspells of sex and she would assume I am watching porn alone and masturbating as the reason for abstinence. This is causing stress for me and her.