What! A! Night!

Just finished swinging with an incredibly hot couple and my dick worked perfectly!

The first time we hung out with them, I couldnā€™t get hard. The second time, I got hard but lost it.

This time, I was patient with myself and didnā€™t worry about the other guy getting hard first. I took my time, focused on my partner and her beautiful body, stayed aware of how my own body felt, stayed aware of the music, the smells, theā€¦ sight of my wife with another man while Iā€™m with his wife :smirk:

I was able to get rock hard and last through multiple rounds of fun with one of the most beautiful women Iā€™ve been with since my wife and I got into the lifestyle. When I wasnā€™t being directly touched, I went to half chubb but didnā€™t stress and knew Iā€™d get it back (and I did). This is one of the best nights in a long time. SUCCESS!


Congrats man!!!
What do you think worked for you???

Focusing on the sights sounds and smells, being patient with myself and remembering that I donā€™t need to get hard immediately. Funny story, I talked to the other guy afterwards and he told me that HE had ED towards the end and he was doubting his performance and I was able to tell him some of the tips I learned and provide some reassurance. Theyā€™re coming back tomorrow night, we are ā€œjokingā€ about how we are a quad now :blush:


Freakin awesome man!!! Way to go using the toolsā€¦

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Great job buddy

This is very insightful. Because it can be even harder when trying to swing

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Hey Iā€™m new to this and also had in mind I always been wanting to swing any tips on how to start

Feeld is a great app to find other people who are into Ethical Non-Monogamy.

Yea, performance anxiety when swinging is what got me to sign up for this app. I never had a problem with my wife but sometimes swinging involves sex with people you just met that night and if the woman is extra hot, I would get in my head about ā€œnot f#cking up the opportunityā€, which of course puts pressure on me and would cause me to have ED issues. Itā€™s ok to be upfront about needing to feel comfortable and plan a low pressure first play session that may or may not include penetrative sex. Itā€™s ok to plan follow-ups and take time to get comfortable.

This is great read! Iā€™m in the same boat, wife and I have been ENM for a couple years and have a great circle of friends we hook up with. I rarely have any issues with the women I know but when I have to engage with someone new I get so caught up in my headā€¦
Will she like me, am i doing the right thing, am I going too fast, and before I know it any erection I had is gone because I was too busy thinking rather than being in the moment.

Need to break out of that mindset and approach the situation with the confidence I have with my wife and closer play friends and not doubt myself as much as I do.

Good on ya mate I mean for the wholle swinging side hats you you & your wife but I mean congrats on success with ya cock bro itā€™s a lot of daunting hard work & thatā€™s good out come brother well done

This is ā€œfunnyā€ in the serious sense of the word. I just joined this app because I have episodes of ED lately. I got into ENM with my wive so I felt like the gods were having a fucking laugh striking me with this just at the moment they blessed me with a ENM partner. Never occurred to me the two were related. Makes perfect sense now in hindsight though