I’m really struggling with the wax and wane exercises. I don’t masturbate regularly and have never done so without porn. Basically, before my ED issues arise with my current partner, I masturbated to climax with porn maybe once a month. Right now, I can’t masturbate my way to an erection and my inner critic is getting pretty brutal about it. Anyone else in a similar situation? How did you learn to arouse yourself without visual stimulation? What are you doing for wax and wane exercises?
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Same issue, not much result yet…i’m afraid it will be a very long journey…but i really hope it will be a happy end.
I would suggest reconnecting with other senses. I just did the simple kickstarter week where I’m learning about touching other parts of my body. With different pressures and noticing different temperatures of different parts of my body. You start with your head go to your neck shoulders arms chest and stomach. Eventually to your genitals. But try not masturbating and just trying to make yourself erect with light touches and lightly stroking with your fingertips around your balls, dick and legs.