Watch a lot of porn partner not interested in sex

I’m an older guy and my wife is 13 years younger than me
She never seams to be interested in sex

Had a similar issue about 6 months ago with my wife. It’s really easy for the lack of intimacy to give you a reason to look at the porn. I started relying on fantasy a little bit more. I also started taking my wife on more dates, planning more 1:1 time when the kid was asleep, etc. That helped create more of a spark. Not sure if this helps, but thought I would add my $.02

Relationships can easily find themselves in this difficult place. The most important thing will be to communicate how you are both feeling. It might feel difficult to think about that. Try and see if you can set aside some time where you wont be rushed or disturbed and see if you can talk about things, relationship, sex, future, whats ok, what’s less ok, calmly in a construction non blaming way. Good luck!