Viagra temporary use?

Thoughts on using Viagra or something similar to get some confidence with temporary erections?

I’m 99% certain I have just physiological ED

I just don’t want to make things worse or become reliant on it. I would like to not take anything and go the natural way.

@amused-apricot-chinchilla Its a good question. 20 years ago I thought Viagra would fix everything but it’s become less effective and I wish I’d had access to this app or counselling way back. It’s a long road back for me but I don’t regret the Viagra - it gave me a confidence boost and for all I know might have been enough to just get past a blip.
It’ll be interesting to hear others’ experiences. I still feel like it’s worth trying every tool in the box but wouldn’t surprise me if in a few years time Viagra (and others) are shown to be a short term fix only and that they encourage dependency.
I say give it a try and see if it helps you bounce back (so to speak) but explore this App for a longer term more holistic solution.


I agree. 25 years ago I had a talk with my primary care physician. He thought the ED could be caused by high blood pressure. He prescribed Viagra. It worked most of the time. But I kept having terrible thoughts that perhaps my wife was not the right person for me, should I find another partner, was our marriage over? I kept suppressing those thoughts but it made the ED worse as I couldn’t get out of my head. I’m hoping this course will help me get my head back straight and I’ll no longer need prescription solutions.

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