Turned the corner

Im 51 and a 8 year relationship and taking a year off from dating I met a wonderful woman. After dating a while we attempted sex and I was a complete dud, definitely anxiety. I have been very hard on myself for 4 months and was sneaking pills each time we had sex, I know she knew I was having issues. This past week she sat me down and told me how much I meant to her and said she is here to help me get through this and even if I didn’t work we could always do different things to each other. Well it seems that was all I needed to get me to calm down enough to finally work on my own. Today we had sex twice, no pills, all me. I was still nervous but at ease enough to finally get an erection on my own.

If you’re with a woman who cares and you have anxiety talk it over with her. It will make all the difference. Good luck to all, it sucks to go through this but we are not alone, always remember that.


She sounds wonderful, congratulations dude


She is, thank you very much.

Thats it!

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Congratulations. I’m in my 50s and married for more than 30 years to a wonderful woman but found difficulty getting a sustained erection. I’ve been sneaking pills but have now become reliant on them more because it’s easier than face the possibility of not keeping it up, but I recently opened up to her about it and have just signed up to here in an attempt to wean myself off the dependency on the pills… reading your story gives me some hope

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Hi, it truly sucks and I know exactly how you feel, I have to say I didn’t have the strongest erections but was able to have sex twice in 12 hours. We did try a third time about 10 hours after and I had no luck but I’m hoping through in 24 hrs was just too much for me.
Take your time and relax, having an understanding woman makes all the difference. Good luck and I hope all works out for you.