Trying different masturbation techniques to resensitize

I had a little bit of a light bulb moment this week where I thought that maybe my delayed ejaculation is actually a lot more physical than mental.

I can get an erection during sex but I’ve never been able to climax. I can only climax if I finish myself using the same masturbation style as I’ve done since I was a teenager. I’ve never used lube and used porn pretty much 95% of the time.

Has anyone else struggled with this and been able to overcome it and have good sex?

Still working on it.
I’ve tried giving up solo and porn about 95%. (Now 1x week usually after I’ve been with gf and haven’t cum)
Tried using a good lube (woo coconut lube is great!)
Tried a textured silicone sleeve so simulate a pussy during solo.
I’ve also tried visualizing a super sexy scene she and I have been in or I try not to stare at her pretty feet and legs as they are on my chest in missionary….:eyes:
7 months with her and she’s made me cum 2 times. Not her fault. I’ve started finishing myself with her encouragement. She loves watching me stroke and the faces I make when I cum. Sometimes I imagine she’s dominant and forcing me to Jo in front of her or a group for their entertainment.
That has worked lately.

Good luck man!!:four_leaf_clover:

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I have the same problem. Quitting porn can be really hard obviously but I truly feel like this is the right direction. Maybe it’s the habit of it or a physical reason but it was hard at first to climax without it. I’d tried quitting before but this is the longest and I truly feel like I’m done for good. Try to find confidence is kind what I’m saying. If you don’t think it’s possible it’s not gonna happen. Try to believe in yourself.

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Thank you, over the past week I’ve not watched porn and started to masturbate much more slowly using lube to simulate real life sex. It’s hard and a bit frustrating, as I’m not used to it but eventually I could use my imagination to finish or get close to finishing.

I’ve been seeing a girl for around a month now and she managed to finish me twice this weekend with a blowjob and hand job. Which surprised me but I managed to let go and climax. This is a big thing for me because it’s never happened before with two long-term girlfriends. Now all I’ve been thinking is I want more of it… Which is great because I haven’t had that before either.

Onwards and upwards for us both! But yeah try to limit solo masturbation I think and when you do it make it as close as possible to real life with lube and go slowly with a very gentle grip. Just experiment.


Territorial- love your story and that she was able to finish you!!! I’m 7 mo into a relationship and still have to finish myself due to death grip…. The other night she was able to get her mouth on me at THE right moment and it felt sooooo good. Hoping this is a turning point for me….
Good luck man!!!:four_leaf_clover: