Trouble having erections and losing them

Hey guys, I ve been with this girl for 2 months and we had tona of sex and it s never been an issue since 3 weeks ago. Now randomly, my heart races when I want to have sex with her and getting an erection is super hard. Also if I get an erection and I try to undress her, my heart races and I lose the erection. If I use maraton forte, everything works fine, even after 5 or 10 minutes of taking it. Last week I used those pills for 2 days and after that I had no issue for the next 2 days and it reappeared. How to fix it?

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Sounds like you could benefit from breathing and calming exercises!

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I have the exact same problem man, been having sex with a girl for 3 a 4 months now. Had a lot of sex and it was also never a problem. Now I worry about it too much and I’m losing confidence. But I think we can overcome it man. It’s a struggle


Yep… similar hear… I think that pills give me confidence … but not much else… I have failed with and without tablets… I get better results with relaxation and getting out of my head… but it’s not easy… but… when I get it right… it works…