This Really Works!

I’ll try to keep this brief. I’m not one to make posts but reading other peoples’ success stories helped me and I felt like I had to return the favor.

So I had trouble staying hard. My girlfriend of 3 months could turn me on no problem, but before sex, during blowjobs, etc, I would get so anxious about losing my erection that I would, you guessed it, lose it. I had a couple successes before with her, but one time I lost it during a blowjob and she was really upset and felt like she did something wrong or it was her fault. I felt terrible that she felt that way. Ever since then it was a vicious anxiety cycle and I felt like I’d never see the end of it. We’re both 24 and I felt way too young for this.

Finally I found this app and starting using it every day and doing the exercises. Reading other peoples’ struggles and successes and the tools this app gave me worked. Half the battle was just me realizing it was in my head! Anyways, I’m happy to report that after only 1 week of really sticking to it, I had great sex with my girlfriend two nights in a row. I didn’t even feel myself worry or thinking about it at all.

Oops, so much for brief. But yeah I just wanted to say keep going, you’re doing the work and taking it into your own hands. I promise it’s just your stupid brain being stupid.


I love you for sharing this. Great ending btw. I’m starting my journey today. Any exercises you recommend?

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Can you share what helped you the most on the app?


The box breath before and during really helped, and I even used it to calm down when I caught myself thinking about it outside of the bedroom. Also remembering that I had successes before so it had to be in my mind and not a physical issue/arguing back at my inner critic was really freeing. I also think maybe the reverse kegels helped a little too, or at least made me feel like I was doing something to help myself and get better.

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Also being honest with my girlfriend about it helped take the pressure off. It was really hard and scary for me to initiate the conversation but she ended up being super understanding. If you’re with the right person, you have nothing to worry about!


I’d love to know as well! Going through similar problems right now. Totally just all in my head but just want to fix it ASAP!

Just joined this app and in such a similar position - so nice to see people getting over the challenge I’m facing right now. Thanks for sharing