porn has rewired my brain to see women as an object for my pleasure and negatively affects my mental
Visual stimulation is certainly a factor with me. When I watch porn, it has an immediate effect. Where im with my partner it usually takes a significant while longer to get hard, which brings in anxiety over getting hard, followed by not getting hard. Its a vicious cycle.
I find it hard to believe that watching porn and masturbating every single day wouldn’t negatively impact your sex life …
In my experience porn has only been a negative for me in every way. I am so much happier without it.
I’ve always felt a direct link between watching porn and being desensitized to a real partner. Honestly shocked that any research says that’s not the case, but I’ve also always felt a lot of inherent shame around any porn use so the ideas presented here could definitely be a big deal for me
That the dopamine overload of porn makes real sex less satisfying; ultimately hurting your erection during real sex
That watching porn makes it harder to maintain an rection and that it desensitizes me from enjoying it
That watching porn is bad for my erection and produces new erection issues. That it desensitizes me to real life sex and changes the way my mind focuses on sex.
That porn has ruined my sex life.
That watching porn has desensitized my brain and and is causing erection issues.
That watching porn is linked to erectile dysfunction
The whole “porn desensitizes my desires or arousal” is a hard myth to let go. Glad that the research shows otherwise and with the adequate work, I can be a real life Ron Jeremy in the bedroom.