Conditioned myself to not get hard (easily)?

I generally struggle with just getting hard even if I’m aroused and when I do get hard (e.g. morning wood) it’s just much softer than before (I generally cannot get rock hard as I used to).

One thing I’m considering as a root cause is that I generally get turned on pretty easily and have kind conditioned myself to try to mentally suppress getting hard out in the real world or even when I’m about to get intimate with women, but prior to the intimacy (e.g. while having a drink still) and that conditioning just built up this disconnect between arousal and dick function. Basically I can feel super aroused (just the tingle in the body and penis) but just don’t really get hard.

Just putting it out there if anyone has thought something similar?

I understand how this feels g. I do think it’s a psychological thing for the most part. When we become hyper fixated on “am I hard” “is that normal” I believe the mind becomes hyper focused on that. The truth is you might just be the same level of hard as other times in the past but maybe you just notice the times when you are more now because the brain is looking for it.

What helped me was:

“Accepting my cock won’t always be mega hard during sex

Focusing on pleasuring my partner even whilst I’m not as hard as I would like.

The impact is you don’t get as scared and in your head about it and your erection strength can you return because your not in your head as much.