So I started my mojo journey with not being able to get it up and somewhat being scared and haunted by the idea of sexual encounters. I chalked it up to excessive porn use in my teenage years and I’ve somewhat slowed down ever since I got into a relationship because I thought porn desensitized my brain so much to the point where real sex just wasn’t fun to me anymore. Mind you this relationship I’m currently in is my first one and the one where I lost my virginity and for real sex not to be exciting to someone new to relationships shows that porn may have been the cause of this damage.
There was a point where I did stop because I got to a point where seeing something sexually suggestive gave me anxiety because I thought that this would negatively affect my erections by further desensitizing me. After starting mojo me and my girlfriend noticeably started seeing improvements. My erections came back thanks to the exercises to some degree but not yet to a point where I think I should be. After these successful sexual encounters, I tried to reintroduce porn back into my life but I noticed that when I did my erections took a toll. I needed more stimulation to get hard and I wasn’t staying hard for as long. Do you think I should completely get off porn for good to let my brain heal or is there something else? Any advice would be appreciated.