Quit Cold Turkey

I cannot stress this enough. If you find yourself addicted to porn. Quit cold turkey. Plenty of people will say that you can’t quit any addiction cold turkey. That is complete bullshit. Would you tell an alcoholic to just have a few drinks, or a cocaine addict just to do a couple dumps? Although porn isn’t substance related, like drugs particularly cocaine it releases dopamine. Quit cold turkey and find better ways to release dopamine. Go to the gym would be my best advice. Lifting weight and running releases endorphins and dopamine not to mention you will be bettering yourself. Trust me. Anyone who says “cut back” from porn and watch it in small increments 9/10 times will just continue their addiction. If you find yourself getting triggered exercise discipline and cope you will feel better not giving in. Be the man your supposed to be and have sex with a woman (or man, not trying to judge) rather than fuck yourself. You can do it.


I am quitting today. It doesn’t help me in the least and I feel like it hurts my sex life. Thanks for the post. I agree.


It’s been like a week for me already, cold turkey. I was using porn for masturbating almost automatically, it felt more like a crutch I thought I needed. Now I masturbate with my imagination, trying to connect with my body.


I totally agree.

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Alcoholics should NOT go cold turkey lol

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I mean not trying to disagree completely because if you are a truly bad alcoholic you will need to ween off of it, but most alcoholics can quit cold turkey, and should.

After lots of self reflection in my past I realized it was a crutch for me as well. Depression, anxiety, stress and the loss of a life I once had really plunged me into a full in addiction to porn that I never really faced or realized. It’s best to just cut that shit out of your life. Just remember its never too late.

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The thing is it doesn’t just hurt your sex life but it hurts you in a neurologically. They have done studies that porn re wires your brain. Seriously look into it and do your research its scary shit man. Now thats not saying you can’t come back from that but it can take time. That being said do your research because a lot of what you will find will make a lot of sense and will definitely click.

100% AGREE! Porn addiction is whats killing your sex drive and giving you sex anxiety. You are not that pornstar doing crazy moves, you are not 9 inches. Your girl ur fucking doesnt look as fine as the one on porn hub. You are ruining your reality for something scripted. I was addicted to porn while being in a 4 year relationship with my gorgeous girlfriend, that i wouldn’t look at her how i would look at these pornstars. I wouldn’t get aroused by her anymore and i couldn’t get hard when trying to have sex. It was breaking my relationship. My addiction came out and i stopped cold turkey, im now only seeking her naked, im feeling her body only i dont touch myself anymore. My orgasms belong to her only. Im back to my normal self, fucking pussy not my hand. Stop watching porn, trust me.