I went through a pretty awful breakup last year and that led to me falling pretty depressed and getting into some pretty weird shit to feel better.
Now my sex drive is shot (the bad) and I’m seeing a beautiful girl (this part is pretty great, apologies for bragging), how have people dealt with going cold turkey on porn?
Cold turkey is difficult, I’ve read into it and watching too much porn and a reliance on it for pleasure will affect the brain. You’re craving that endorphin release and that’s what porn gives you, plus it’s easy to pull out your phone and search pornhub. If you feel it’s severe cold turkey is probably the best option. Getting away from it and focusing on actual sex and realising its beauty I feel will help you get your drive back up!
Bro get a hobby to take your mind off of it. My best advice and I sound like a broken record is to go to the gym. Lift weights you will release endorphins and dopamine exercising plus working out that sexual frustration to make yourself better and more attractive.
I quit cold turkey a month ago and it’s been one of the best things I’ve done. One of the most important things I did was figured out what my triggers were in my day that would lead me to watching. I then tried to replace watching with another small habit so I started to associate my trigger with something else. If you’re serious about quitting, get apps for your phone and computer that block adult content to remove the ability to consume it.
Enable the porn filter settings from your internet provider. (And ideally have someone else’s account be the one in change of those settings, otherwise you can just log in and switch off the porn blocking.)