Porn addiction/how to stop?

Just would like some tips on how to just up & walk away from that stuff. I use a lot of it as educational stuff for positions & whatnot. I also like it as an escape which ik isnt good. My sex life with my girlfriend has been shit lately. She cant get off or I cant. Help?

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Porn was very toxic for me. I didn’t think it was a problem, but after being off it for 25 days and counting I’m seeing some of the effects wearing off.

Stuff is poison.

Unrealistic expectations. Worsens your appetite. Makes you more numb to real life.

I used a habit app to track my streak of days without it, and that’s been a very positive thing for me. I REALLY don’t want to break that streak now.

I used it for boredom, stress relief, whatever. Made my ED worse in many ways.

Count your wins and work your way off it; lower your expectations and stay grounded in reality. Life is better than fantasy.


Porn was ruining my sex life with my girlfriend as well. I was addicted to porn so much i rather jack myself off than have sex with her That when we would try to have sex I can not get hard to save my life. I quit porn about 2 months ago, we been having better sex since then. But i 100% agree on porn ruins lives.


Nice job gentlemen -

I can attest to the same habits, same addiction and the same challenges. I knew it was an issue, but not the severity of the issue. I’m 53 & been clean from watching porn for 2 weeks - the changes I’ve seen in my performance are HUGE! I can’t recommend that every guy here quit cold turkey strong enough. I recently watched a TedTalk that went into porn and how it hijacks the dopamine/ reward center of the brain.

Again - find a carrot/stick to get off of porn, stay strong and take it day by day counting each consecutive day as a huge win. I believe that you all will see measurable differences in a week and the science shows it’s huge after 2 months.

Be strong, find your balance & savor the rewards of amazing sex agin gents!


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It helps to realize how unrealistic it is. I noticed none of the guys look like me and sex isn’t like real life at all. There’s no exhaustion, sweating, cramps. There’s no vulnerability. The women are rarely actually enjoying themselves. I just don’t see me or any experience I’ve had in porn. Realizing that has helped me use it a lot less. Porn made me aim for sex that isn’t like real life at all, so I had unreal expectations.


Buy a couple playboy magazines. It’s not as intense , doesn’t get you as horny as quickly and you can fantasize about being with the girl better. I found that helped a lot . Also you can last way longer and take your time n enjoy it more

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If you examine yourself honestly you’ll realize “education” is just an excuse to keep watching more. If you really want to get educated read books or women’s magazines.

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