Stop watching porn

Guys I cannot express enough - stop watching porn.

The sooner you stop watching porn and focus on women in real life that feeling of dissatisfaction in the quality of your performance disappears.

I used to watch porn 3/4 times a week and now I haven’t watched it in months and I feel absolutely amazing. I have no urge to watch it, I make arrangements with real life women and I don’t stress about me not having a 7 inch dick and lasting 25 minutes.

Think about it - you’re watching the top 1% of men who last the longest and have the biggest dicks have sex then beat yourself up about not being able to replicate that. Imagine watching Man City vs Real Madrid on TV then beating yourself up because you’re not as good at football as De Bruyne or Vinicius Jr. Doesn’t make sense right.

Stop porn asap.


What about amateur porn :see_no_evil:

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Think same goes actually - if not perhaps so bad comparison wise it is still training yourself to not be so focused on your own sensations or indeed how to interact with real people sexually.


Good advise! I’ll give it a try.

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This is the battle I have. I’m travelling now so it’s not as easy to watch porn and I never really think about it but when the room is empty and I have that window of opportunity, I do not hesitate. Years of watching porn has killed my brain and distorted my expectations of real sex. Plus you’re so used to your own hand that when a girl is trying to please you, it’s not matching what you like/want. Joining this app and doing some research has really made me realise this, and I know I have to improve my mental & sexual wellbeing to have a healthy sex life. Thanks for your post!


Never had harder erections (morning wood) than now, 41 days porn free.

I had no idea how it was affecting my brain. I didn’t think I had any kind of reliance or problem or addiction, but it was very clearly affecting me (and I can only tell after being off it for 41 days).

Thanks for the post.

Do you have any tips for being able to go cold turkey on porn?

And do you still masturbate? But focusing on your own sensations rather than a visual stimulant?

I have successfully given it up for 3 months now at least… cold turkey. I did a lot of reading on the negative impacts of porn and that really started to put me off. It’s helpful to not have your phone by your bed at night or in the morning, just never have your phone in bed. Use an alarm clock. And get creative with other ways to pleasure yourself which you might find you then enjoy more… temperature, feathers etc. Use your imagination. Hope this helps!

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I’ve just given it up about a week without it now. I realised that this has been a big issue with built up anxiety. I had watched porn for years as a teen and into early adulthood and now with my partner I always felt inadequate when I watched it and would think to myself that she’s had guys like this and that I’m not good enough sexually even though she told me multiple after we’ve had sex that that was the best sex she’s had. For some reason I would think I’m not good enough or that she had performed sex acts like that in the past. It’s crazy how negatively porn can affect your confidence