Porn causes ED

Hi everyone.
I’m 21 years old, I first watched porn at 11, and was addicted ever since. (There were instances of being exposed to soft porn at age 7 to 9, however these were limited).

I’m on here because I’m pissed off, and you should be too, if addicted to porn. Porn has ruined my life, and I’m never going back.

To give you some context, (and I’m not saying this to brag, just saying it how it is) I’m a very attractive man, who’s tall, muscular, athletic, handsome, and have been told by many women I should be a model… but I have no confidence whatsoever… you know why?


Every time I’ve had sex I’ve struggled so much to maintain an erection, because quite simply: my brain has been rewired to get aroused by pixels on a screen, while jerking it with a death grip. My brain sees real sexual experiences with women as alien, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a beauty in bed with me, there’s little to no authentic sexual attraction, and the sex feels like a chore, going through the ups and downs of my dick turning on and off and most of the time being just above a semi.

I’m sick of it.

I’ve not had sex in over a year now because I had just lost all confidence in myself, and it wouldn’t matter if a girl threw herself on me, there would always be a part of me that thought: “what’s the point? - I’m not gonna get it up anyway.”

And so, this lead me going further and further down the dark, slippery, black, soul-destroying hole that is porn. I’ve watched things that I’m disgusted by. Things I don’t find attractive in the slightest, but just watched them to feed the ever growing demon that demands “more novelty”. I’m 100% straight, but this addiction has led me to watching trans, gay, and all types of horrid shit, (I mean no offence if you are LGBTQ, but I simply find it disgusting on a biological level - I can’t control that) that I’m not even going to bother saying.

All of this filled me with guilt, depression, anxiety, the whole lot.

I’ve tried quitting porn many times with the longest I ever went being 90 days, but the one thing that kept me from success in quitting forever is that I never said “I am quitting forever” and actually meant it.

I might have said “I’m quitting forever” once or twice before, but in the back of my mind I was wondering how long it would be until I eventually gave in… I was setting myself up for failure from the get go.

This time I really am doing it.

I’m not a porn addict, I’m a man, who used to have an issue with porn addiction, but no fucking longer.

It’s all a mindset. You have to quit porn with the TRUE intention of never going back and knowing that’s the end of it… not secretly wondering how long until you’re back.

If you’re still not sold on the idea of quitting, listen:

If you’re young, single, and have PIED like me, and porn is ALL YOU’VE EVER KNOWN like me, consider this:

You will never, and I mean never, get married.

You think a woman will stick around with a loser who can’t get it up for her? Of course not.

Quit while you can bro.

For us in gen Z and younger, we’ve never not had access to the internet. Meaning the most important period of our lives when it comes to sexual development has been high jacked by an artificial poison which is known as PORN. We are the future of the human race and too many of us have been affected by this pandemic.

The time to quit is now.

P.S. the book “the easy peasy method” is a great eye-opener on tackling the issue of porn addiction once and for all. Good luck.


Described a lot of what I’m experiencing, thanks!

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I feel your pain and frustration, man.
Been there, done that.
Lost a 23 year marriage last year partly because I can’t get it up…,
New gf. Very understanding.
I’ve become pretty good at oral. She’s super multi orgasmic and enjoys my fingers too. Lately I’ve been able to F her with a semi and she’s cum from penetration alone. She also has warmed up to a couple buzz toys that I’ve introduced.
I 90% quit porn and solo and it’s helped. Pills didn’t even work on me with her. But after she’s gone- hard as I should be!
Work the app. Use the explore tab.
Read all the topics here and the responses. There’s a lot of good stuff here!
Good luck man!!:four_leaf_clover:


Me too pal. Exactly the same. I’m in it with you!

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Stay strong bro :muscle:

When you say “after she’s gone-hard as I should be” do you mean that you are rock solid down there as soon as you are alone and feel comfortable? Lmk thanks

We got this bro. Porns overrated. I’ve found that daily meditation and mindfulness to be present as much as possible is so helpful for keeping in control of your body

I recommend daily meditation and mindfulness to say present in order to maintain control over your self. We only give in to the temptation when we aren’t fully conscious. The book “the power of now” is an excellent book for learning this skill.

Yep! I’ll kiss her goodbye as shes headed out the door to go home>to work. I’ll smell her on me as I pee or get back in bed and I get horny and harder than I do when I F her…
Apparently I’m more comfortable alone than with a partner…

Is there a meditation part on the app? After the initial lesson there’s no challenge and the recording helps

23 year marriage, oh man that’s a shame. Was your ex not understanding then?

She always kinda felt like my ED was associated with her body image, even though it really wasn’t and I told her that dozens of times.
She waited until the kid was don with college that I paid for to leave. Poof! gone right after the Graduation party…
My new GF want’s to send her a thank you card… LOL!