Premature ejaculation issue

I have been having PE issues for a long while now and it has gotten worse by my partner’s lack of interest in sexual activities with makes it worse. It has gotten so bad thar anytime I try to touch my wife, I get jittery and heart beats so fast for fear of not lasting and within 2 seconds, I have ejaculated. I really need help. Please has any one successfully treated similar issue?

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Similar issue for me, fight or flight gets activated due to nervousness and I’m done very fast, which does not make my wife happy. I think I’m making progress, but have only had sex once since starting. I felt it kicking in and stopped to ground myself with some breathing for a minute, which worked for me but killed the mood for my wife. Half success in my mind, but haven’t had the chance to try again. Mojo certainly is helping me, I didn’t realize how in my head I was, which clearly drives my PE.

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Keep putting in the effort and good luck!