Post Circumcision

Got circumcised over 3 years ago, and my sensation has completely gone down, to the point I get mentally turned on and get hard if I’m with my Mrs, but she can’t do anything to get me hard because the sensation is so low I don’t feel anything

However, if I grab my penis and masturbate to get it hard, I can get it hard

I also can only cum if I’m on my back, clenching my cheeks and then I can masturbate and cum, but if I’m standing or any other position, I can’t get hard

Would love someone’s help :raised_hands:t4:

Have you tried the kegel exercises? These have helped me get internal sensation back. Also I use moisturizer on my penis tip to help keep the skin soft. This also helps.

Moisturiser? Interesting, in your day to day or only during sex?

How do Kegal exercises help though? Like I know it helps with stamina but sensation?

Day to day. Also helps stops things sticking to leg etc.

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