Not interested in woman or sex at the moment and I'm worried

Been having these recurring thoughts that I’m not interested in seeing or even have an sex drive for woman at the moment and it’s worrying me a little.

I don’t have a problem when I get to doing the deed just don’t have any drive to go and get it.

Is that normal?


Here for the same tbh - I just completely lost the interested in masturbation or sex . It slowly comes back and I think it was just a phase :muscle:t3: vitamin d helped me a bit


In the same boat, but it’s coming back slowly but surely


Yeah for sure it’s normal. Especially if you get performance anxiety . It’s understandable to not be super sex crazy if you’re worried you might embarrass yourself again or see it more as a test than heaps of fun.


Same here. I have been here for 19 days and haven’t even cum. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Well one thing that could do that is depression. I’m guessing there are a lot of other reasons that could make that happen. But a lot of them are likely normal reactions.

If you start to worry it might be worth going to a therapist


I agree with your comment and am currently in therapy to try and unpack what’s causing my E.D.