LS help to stay hard

41m here with a smoking hot 42f wife married for 18 years. Amazing sex life. No joke, we may miss maybe only 7-10 days a year and it’s amazing sex- 30-45 min total most nights. We’ve been in the LS for about 3 years with strictly soft swap with no troubles. Planned an entire weekend away for our our first full swap with an amazingly gorgeous couple. I was totally fine with the wife, the minute we switch I’d lose my hard on. She’s loving every min and her guy had no trouble (found out he uses the trimix shot) which there’s no way I’m doing. The minute they’d return to their room, I’m rock hard for hours having sex like crazy and no issues. Anyone else have similar issues or help? I’m liking the spectorating and the shameful head conversations as a solid start to addressing some of this- we love this life but def don’t want this to be a long term issue should we decide to continue.

Same issues here - identical. I came on here for the same, I think some of the stuff will help. Because I’m noticing I try to get in my head way before the encounter and then it continues.
I’m trying some of the techniques tonight so can let you know how I go

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Same thing happens to me. Rock hard with wife but when swapping it goes down

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Def let me know! I’m sure the head stuffs the problem and maybe the starting slower may help, enjoying the moment a little more. This ls stuff is fast paced lol

I have exactly the same issue. We swapped with a lovely couple but went to separate places, so my wife got the full treatment and squirted half a dozen times. I had no chance, the more I tried to get hadd the more pointless it because. Eventually we gave up and waited for our partners to finish and join us for dinner. I felt really bad. I hope this helps